Monday, September 5, 2022

Alienation: The Modern Medusa


Afterword: “A Disclaimer”

This essay does not propose any solutions to the multi-faceted dilemma of modern alienation, but merely examines it on a general & superficial level. This is not meant to suggest that no such solutions exist, & that we are bound headlong on a one-way road to total isolationism, hedonistic terrorism, & “programmed life” a la “Brave New World.” A species of animal which is intelligent enough to get itself into a bind as deep as ours must surely be at least intelligent enough to get tiself right back out again.


Barber, Bernard, 1970, “Science and the Social Order.” Toronto: Collier

*** 2022 Postscript ***

While I will forever cringe at the hokey tone & the Eurocentric & obsolete references to “Western” culture, this beast I smashed out verbatim to make a paper deadline still stands the test of time better than expected, & also includes my first real stab at a theory — to elucidate ludic evolution from circa 1880–1987.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Salad Daze Archive Unit 36 (1994)

eleven lines 


i am not

action figure sold 


 i am not

another paradigm scam

i am not

your latest bad excuse

i am not marketed

i am alive-alive-o

i am still

i am real 

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Salad Daze Archive Unit 35 (1999)

 for gaïa 

these eyes bright w/ hope & love

wait for another

where years burn their vigils yet i

look upon another

every spark of a lusty season comes

risen for another

plowing under senses in the blind wave

seeking for another

always & again left in the rain

hope upon another

i yet will fall cold alone & raging

never for another

but only for you:

my gaïa

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Standard Model Limit Postulate

     That for any new major insight to be added to Standard Model development of Quantum Field Theory, science will first need to engineer & acquire a new language coded specifically to such insight - one whose syntax, semantics & terminology render it both superior as a container/explainer for QFT proper, & compatible w/ generating apt additional input. The counter that the maths involved are themselves that language is at best hubris & at worst parlous hyperbole: a massive exponential rise in computing speed & power w/ which to exploit them, along w/ literal legions of bold brainiacs all attacking the known gaps in the model for decades on end, has been the herald of precisely zero new major elements to add to QFT.


    If it is correct, no new major insight in QFT is forthcoming for the indefinite future - or even possible, no matter how many man-hours or equations are thrown at it. It would thus also likely be an essential prerequisite to any potential union of QFT w/ Einsteinian Relativity.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Neural Optimization Postulate

 That human neural networks enhance net performance by using organic ambient changes in geometry or differential of ionic ratio/charge in adjacent non-sentient tissues ( blood, fat, glia, etc.) as a complementary signal processing system. If true, it should predict outsized or unaccountably absent effects from site-specific injury & pathology - & that measured peak mental acuity will exceed the demonstrable neuronal capacity used to reach it.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

mein gedankenspiel: frisky frolics of a faded freak

 2004 was when I threw down the fingerless punk gauntlet: see if I have what it takes to force my slimy skull-walnut to emit an apt radical novelty. 

Either novel or radical are a cool calm summer breeze - while apt is a brutal beast that plays poorly with the others in the rare event when it ever does at all.

Play on!

Geadankenspieling has been one of my life's keenest joys - my little mutant pet that's totally free to play, in a proverbial void that lets me score as many ideas as I can, & has the personal potential for some utterly harrowing IRL results depending on what I come up with & whose chain it yanks.

Those Trifectas are the profane Grail, but there's plenty to chew on among the sloppy apocrypha, & to spare. One result was nothing but the intellectual equivalent of a tantrum, noting the tragic ongoing omission of a prime historical revolution: the shift toward female s3x selection first indicated by Chivalric Code & alleged all-girl "Courts Of Love" in medieval Europe. Another a cosmic mega-kludge that makes a lovely sibling to one at least partly inspired by the Susskind & t'Hooft mega-hologram model that's arguably FAR WEIRDER than mine.

Some synaptic byproduct even got frisky enough to inspire a "Dead Letter File" metagame of its own!

I also learned that I'm the kind of sick pervert heathen that can drop a one minute sermon!

The most recent is Q.L.O. - which came with 2 highly evocative instances that may or may not be proofs. Let posterity - or infamy - give someone who can tell the difference the call says I, & Alfred E. Neuman take the hindmost.

Doubt any subsequent treats can be siphoned out of all this dying fatty gray mucilage this late in the farce - but then, I always do...



Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Quantum Ludic Ontology (An Unreasonable Proposition For Unreasonable Times)

Proposing not only that what we refer to as meaning is a species of game that minds play w/ themselves to explain what is going on or why, but that said crazy Mind Calvinball can then be elucidated &/or upgraded by being mediated via the berserk conniptions of QFT such as decoherence, tunneling or entrained particle pairing (to name but a few)?

Might be worth a gamble, if only for the larks!