Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wave-Function Conjecture

That given sufficient quantum instability, in an extremely primordial or degenerate universe wave-functions may collapse in such a way as to tunnel or jump past the event region, thereby transiting into a state of antiprobability.

(Note that in this state they would not have a negative probability, as certain quasiprobability distributions are said to have, nor any other anomalous probability value such as a variable. They would thus exist in a very exotic state indeed, since they could neither be concrete [probability =1] nor impossible [probability =0], nor could they exhibit any level of probability in between.)


jim said...

Having just spawned the depraved wee bairn, I find that I've got a hell of a problem with either describing or defining antiprobability.

It logics out fine, given that the hypothesis has anything to it - but the mind reels at the thought of a thing that completely negates the scale we use to figure out the odds of something happening, with real events at one end & impossibilities at the other.

jim said...

Plainly the post-transition artifact can't still be a wave-function any more - perhaps it is stopped on the far perimeter of the event region as an "anti-event" (whereupon it might then rebound into it to annihilate an adjacent wave-function)?

Smells like it would have to exist in the same paradoxical time-line as is proposed for tachyons.

jim said...

Is antiprobability decay the cosmic trigger (& is this deducible)? If antiprobability has an originating role in this universe, theories involving primordial spacetime fail - spacetime has to be emergent, presumably with the Big Bang.

As a mathematical wimp, I have to giggle upon musing that there are possibly no finite mathematics able to either express or describe antiprobability.

jim said...

Could the depraved wee bairn (or knock-on effects of it) have led to very weak macro-scale spacetime-distorting expression of the strong force?


Sure would be a deliciously parsimonious way to explain cosmic inflation ... one which attributes it to upscale resonance of an observable fundamental force instead of unobserved "Dark Energy."

jim said...
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jim said...

Note that antiprobability could also serve as the engine of baryogenesis if its effects are biased to or exclusive to antimatter. I've seen the relic matter ratio keep shrinking over the years as measurements improve ... & the more measly that ratio gets, the more I wonder...